
Motley pasta salad

We don't like warm dishes if sun is burning like today. Hence we had a cooling pasta salad, which offers beside the taste experience also something for the eyes.

For 4 dishes (which the two of us devour easily):

1/2 - 1 pound pasta at one's own option (300g)

1/2 zucchini
4 carotts
1 red bell pepper
1/2 can corn
4-5 pickles
1 small onion

2 tablespoons soyayoghurt or -curd
2 tablespoons sunflower oil
1 teaspoon cider vinegar
salt, pepper, paprika
1 pinch sugar
savory, parsley, basil

Refine the pasta in strong salt-water. Cut zucchini and carrots and let them simmer in light salt-water for about 5 minutes. Cover and steep it.
Dice the bell pepper, onion and prickle. Chop and add the herbs.

For the mayonnaise: agitate the curd with oil until its creamy. Season everything and add the bell pepper.
Drain the corn.
Give everything in a huuuuuge bowl and mix it shortly.

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