
Chia Lemon Cake

Chia seeds are my latest discoveries. The small seeds look like tiny pebbles and they have great nutritional values. The superfood contains antioxidants, calcium, potassium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids and withal they are very versatile!
Today I want to share my Chia Lemon Cake recipe with you. Very delicous and even healthy :-). If you don't want to use any sugar you can bake the cake with any alternative you like. You can use xylit, agave sirup or stevia .

Makes a 7 inch (18cm) cake springform pan.

For the dough:
1 3/4 cup (200 g) spelt flour
7/8 cup (100g) raw cane sugar
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
3 tsp. vanilla sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 tbsp. soy flour or arrowroot flour
2 tbsp. chia seeds
1 pinch of curcuma
juice and skin of one lemon
1/4 cup (50 g) margarine or vegan butter, melted
1/8 cup (30 ml) oil 
3/4 cup (180 ml) water

In a bowl mix together flour, sugar, backing powder, vanilla sugar, salt, chia seeds, curcuma and lemon abraison. Grease cake springform pan with margarine and fill in the dough. Bake at 338°F (170°C) for about 40 minutes. Let the cake cool off in the pan and sprinkle it with powdered sugar. Enjoy your meal.

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