
Vegan ragout

Yesterday we did our weekly family shopping and now all our cabinets are filled to burst. There are vegan whipped cream, vegan cheese, ragout and smaller snacks.
For today I decided to create something out of the ragout. I liked Zürcher Geschnetzeltes (Zurich-style veal stew) since I was a kid, and now I can get it even vegan :-)

For 3-4 portions:
1/2 cup wild rice
1/2 cup long grain rice

2 oz soy-ragout (70g)
1/2 red bellpepper
1 lb. fresh brown mushrooms (500g)
1/2 leek
1 tablespoon soy-sauce
1/2 lb. soy-cream (unsweetened) (250g)
Salt, pepper
Paprika, coriander

1 broccoli
1 tablespoon flaked almonds

We always mix wild and long grained rice, as I like the wild one but my friend prefers the less dry long grained one. Let it simmer with some selfmade or bought stock and two cups of water.

Scald the ragout with some stock and boiling water. Let it drawn for about 10 minutes, then drain it.
Slice the mushrooms and bellpepper and roast them with the ragout in olive oil. Season well, then add the sliced leek. As soon as everything is roasting deglaze with soy-sauce and fill up with cream. Let drawn with lid on at medium heat.

We had broccoli as side-dish. Therefore cut of the flowerets of the broccoli and boil them in salted water. Roast some almond flakes in vegan butter and add it to the broccoli right before serving.

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